Mutual Fund Brokerage Disclosure Statement
As per SEBI circular: SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 4/ 168230/09, following are the details of the comparative commissions earned by Sundaram Finance Limited from various Mutual Fund houses, whose products are being distributed:
Category | Net Brokerage |
Equity Schemes | |
Equity - Multi Asset Allocation | 0.56% |
Equity - LargeCap Fund | 0.57% |
Equity - SmallCap Fund | 0.60% |
Equity - Value Fund | 0.63% |
Equity - MultiCap Fund | 0.64% |
Equity - Large & MidCap Fund | 0.66% |
Equity - MidCap Fund | 0.69% |
Equity - Focused Fund | 0.72% |
Equity - Thematic Fund | 0.72% |
Equity - Sector Funds | 0.72% |
Hybrid Schemes | |
Equity - Arbitrage Fund | 0.41% |
Equity - Balanced Advantage | 0.51% |
Equity - Aggressive Hybrid Fund | 0.61% |
Equity - Equity Savings | 0.76% |
Debt Schemes | |
Debt - Money Market Fund | 0.04% |
Debt - Liquid Fund | 0.04% |
Debt - Overnight Fund | 0.08% |
Debt - Banking & PSU Debt Fund | 0.25% |
Debt - Corporate Bond Fund | 0.30% |
Debt - Low Duration Fund | 0.30% |
Debt - Ultra Short Term Fund | 0.30% |