When we are looking for a safe avenue for parking our money, deposits become a prominent option. Deposits in the nature of cumulative deposits and fixed deposits are looked at for the following benefits:
- Safety of capital.
- Superior Credit Rating.
- Competitive Interest Rates in line with the markets.
- Flexible investment tenors: 12 months, 18 months, 24 months, 36 months & above.
- Simple documentation.
- Quick processing (issue of deposit certificate within 1 day).
- Timely & convenient Interest payout options.
- Easy liquidity / ECS Credit.
- Easy loan against deposit facility.
- Joint Holdings & Nomination facility.
- Deposits in the name of Minors, Trusts.
- Superior service standards.
- Joint Holdings & Nomination facility.
If you are looking for any or all of the above features, look no further, find them all in:
Sundaram Finance Deposits |
Sundaram Home Deposits |